Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who Wins?



Jessica said...

I'm equally addicted to both. Facebook is great for staying in contact with a large number of people and consists mostly of trivial day-to-day updates, while you usually get more intimate, meaningful info from blogging.

Mel P. said...

I echo Jessica's comment. Facebook is more real time. For example, I have a nephew who saved a friend's life based on a post in facebook.

halley said...

I personally have not caught the facebook fever. I think its kinds of lame. Almost a popularity contest to see who can have the most friends. Besides who really wants to know what I'm doing on a day today basis, I really don't think I'm that interesting, and when I am I blog about it.

Jess said...

Blogger. I love it. It is a more indepth look into the lives of my friends and family who I adore and love... and they into mine. Facebook is just a day to day scrable to nonsense. Although, I have been able to find friends who I have lost contact with. In that regard it's okay.

JDM said...

Blogger especially since facebook just decided to keep all your information and use it as they please even after you close your account. Gooo.